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Our patent pending irrigation spikes are improving the efficient water use with drip irrigation throughout Agriculture

Our Products

Our patented design's have the ability to emit water below the surface with patent pending pressure compensating components and secure your line in place. These spikes can be custom made to each application for connections,  depth and flow rates. We have multiple design's for all options, low flow .5 GPH emitters, and long 2mm holes, that flow at higher rates for sand mediums. Let us know what you need! 


We give over the phone or in person 

evaluations of your irrigation system and 

provide analysis of how Accu-Grow's 

products can help you save money on

water, herbicide and pesticide applications


We have been testing with indoor and outdoor agriculture facilities

to see the results of

Accu-Grow's patent pending

designs with drip irrigation water efficiency 


"Every year I have plants that struggle but with [Accu-Grow's] spikes the whole line does great"-Mike S.


"Being able to put succulents and roses on the same valve is a life saver"-Erica L.


"[Accu-Grow's] spikes hold the line in my hanging pots better than anything else I have found"-Dana F.



Our journey at Accu-Grow started in college when our professors told us that the California drought is going to cause serious problems for the agriculture industry in the near future. 


There were too many farmers using old outdated methods of irrigation and we noticed there were some key components to efficient water usage. Water infiltration rates were the biggest detractor in efficient application of water though. With evaporation and run off causing most of the water waste we decided to combat those physical elements first. 


With subsurface irrigation line maintenance and  emitter clogging seeming to be a large detractor we designed our first spike. We at Accu-Grow designed an emitter that can be self cleaned and still have the lines be above the surface while also securing the line in place.  


We have designed and developed several products that help water reach the root systems of the plant and reduce potential of loss. We hope that you find our product applicable in for your situation and would love to send you information or samples.

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